Hi Guys, below is final day 4 photos and story,
Day 4:
Route Port Alfred all along the Wild Coast to Margate, then Inland back to Home Johanneburg Springs. The route is +/- 620 Miles and took us just less than 4 Hours.
Once again we left just after sunrise. The Weather Office said the weather would be good in the morning, but deteriorating in the afternoon and staying like that for 2 days. We wanted to fly all the way to the north coast, but predicted weather and not knowing 100% for sure if we will find accommodation further north, we decided to cut the trip a little short. I will always be able to fly the north coast on my Next big trip, cause it is relatively close to home.
We expected some thin broken cloud with 2,000 ft ceiling on the first part, clearing very shortly. I liked this hole in the sky with striped clouds above.
The are we will be flying is called the Wild Coast, due to it’s unspoiled pristine condition. There are very little settlements along this pretty coast line.
There are a couple of unique attractions along this coastline. The first is ‘The hole in the wall’ a rock formation just off the beach with a big hole where the sea crashes through.
The second is a runway that ends on a cliff into a narrow valley with a river running into the sea.
Also unique are 2 waterfalls directly into the sea, apparently there are only a few places in the world where a waterfall goes straight into the sea. Here we are lucky to have 2 of them in close proximity. The First one:
The Second one:
On the northern border of the wild coast is a popular tourist attraction, the Wild Coast Sun. From here on north you can start to see normal civilization again with tradition buildings and roads.
The arch bridge leading to the Wild Coast Sun. There are rumors of dare devil pilots flying underneath this bridge.
At Margate we started routing back inland going home. Kwazulu Natal is lush green, and the rivers brown with all the rain washing down into the rivers.
The last picture of the day, me and my wife, just before our final landing home…Does it look like we enjoyed it???
The Best picture of day 4 must be “The hole in the wall” larger for your convenience.
The End.