This section has been created to track some history on aircraft that have a South African connections. It can be aircraft that have spent some time in SA, and since exported, aircraft currently on the register, or any that may have been scrapped.
New Posts must comply with the subject line containing the registration WITHOUT the "-" separator/. Eg: ZSMXS This is to enable searching on aircraft easier. You may include the type and description after the registration. Eg ZSMXS Cessna 152 or ZSMXS C152.
It is important to note the the board software search engine interprets the '-' as exclude results that contain the text following the minus sign. So a search text "ZS-MXS" will return ALL aircraft registrations begining ZS and exclude those that may contain MXS in the post.
Where photographs are attached or referenced from other sources - the contributor should as far as possible, provide the location and a date (even if it is just the year) of the photograph.
Consideration must be given to any derogatory posts made in respect of any of the aircraft. Aircraft are valuable assets, and to attempt to devalue anyone's asset will be taken as a breach of the rules of this section and if deemed appropriate the user could be summarily banned without warning.
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The content posted reflects the opinion of the individual making the posting and does not necessarily reflect the views of the moderators or other Avcomers. Any posting by an Avcomer must be viewed as subjective and as an opinion without the foundation or substantiation of fact and therefore must be accepted as hearsay and opinion only.
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- It is currently Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:15 am
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Read before posting
An informal register and background to South African aircraft. Please take the time to read the 'Before you post', or your entry could be deleted.
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