Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by JustinA »

Hi Peter

Thanks for all your help with this.

What would be the procedure if the aircraft has changed ownership between its last Radio License renewal and now?

Do we need to "transfer" the radio license to the new owner or is it just a matter of completing the Part B form to indicate the new change is contact details?

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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Peter.L. »

Unfortunately licences cannot be transferred from one owner to the next. The same as when you buy and sell a car, the new owner must obtain his/her own licence. Here is the link to the application forms on our website: ... cation.pdf

Once completed, the forms may be e-mailed, snail-mailed or hand delivered to any of ICASA's Regional offices in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein or Durban or direct to our HQ in Johannesburg. Contact details are on our website under "About Us". Faxing is possible but not recommended as the quality of faxed documents can be very impaired. Proof of payment of the total applicable fee of R600.00 (R480.00 1-time application fee plus R120.00 annual licence fee) must accompany the application forms and either a copy of an individual ID book or a copy of the company registration document, depending on whether the application is in respect of an individual or a company, must also be attached. Account details for payment are: Bank - Nedbank; Branch - CCS Pretoria; Account holder - ICASA; Account number - 1462002927; Branch code - 14624500; Reference - the Aircraft's registration letters, e.g. ZS-ABC, and the owner's name. This payment may be made by direct deposit at any Nedbank branch or by EFT via the web.

It is strongly recommended that copies of all documentation and payments submitted be retained, "just in case", either as physical or electronic files, and it is further recommended that a letter of confirmation of receipt be requested from the office to which the application is forwarded. Apart from catering for that "just in case" occurrence, such copies should assist with registration with the CAA.
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Rob K »


For the renewal application by Jan 25th - must we pay the R120.00 and send proof of payment?


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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Fly Past »

Having been away, I have only just become aware of this. Closing date is in 2 days and I cannot download the form. Where to now?
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Roger »

Peter.L. wrote:Commissioning - I'm not 100% sure about this but I have been told that a faxed or emailed document that has not been countersigned by a Commissioner of Oaths is not considered to be a legal document, whereas a countersigned fax or email is so considered. Perhaps a "legal beagle" could supply an answer to that one.
The ECT act stipulates that it can only be considered reliable if one can guarantee that the document has remained complete and unaltered OR if it is accompanied by an advanced electronic signature(AeS). The department of communications have accredited very few organisations that can provide you with such a signature and I would be surprised if many applicants have access to such an authoring tool.

Can you suggest to whoever decided on the commissioning to remove this requirement?
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by markus_m2 »

As far as I understand, the signing by a Commmissioner only "certifies" that the applicant has understood the contents of the application, it doesn't certify the authenticity of the document itself.
But I must agree this is a weird requirement that should be scrapped.
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Peter.L. »

Rob - No payment is required to accompany Form B. Once your address details, etc., have been verified by ICASA HQ, a renewal invoice will be forwarded to the postal address as provided and you then have until 31st March to make the payment. Actually, even if you know that the annual licence fee is R120.00, you would not really know how much you are required to pay until an invoice is sent to you. For instance, the last payment you made may not have been credited to your account for some reason, or perhaps it was paid into the wrong account, or perhaps the fee increased since last time and you are not aware of the change. It is always safer to wait for the invoice, then you can check and make sure all payments made have been credited and make a lot of noise if they haven't!

Fly Past - Try and download it from our website at : ... rm%20B.pdf

this is Form B only and does not include the Gazette but it is the best copy. Alternatively, Form B as part of the GG is available from: ... ?id=181869

If all else fails send me an email to and I'll send you either a Word or Pdf version, whichever suits you best.

Skybound and Markus - Noted regarding the Commissioning story. I kinda thought it wasn't strictly kosher and was only included to make the document look more official! I'll pass this along to the "upper floors" and see what reaction is forthcoming.

Ciao for now,

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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Bob Corbett »

Peter, thanks for your willingness to help us poor illiterate pilots, but I think a hornet's nest is being swept up where one is not needed.

The gazette does not say that all and sundry need to complete the FORM B. Para 5 says that if our contact details have changed, then one needs to fill in the Form B so that the correct address can be used to post the invioces (which will then be the official invite to renew)

In other words, if our contact details are correct on last year's licence, all we need to do is sit back and wait for the renewal invoice. (alright maybe that is also a bit of a dream - but that is what the Gazette says)

This chasing around trying to complete a form and have it CofO'ed by tomorrow morning makes no sense at all.
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by IMPI »

Bob Corbett wrote:Peter, thanks for your willingness to help us poor illiterate pilots, but I think a hornet's nest is being swept up where one is not needed.

The gazette does not say that all and sundry need to complete the FORM B. Para 5 says that if our contact details have changed, then one needs to fill in the Form B so that the correct address can be used to post the invioces (which will then be the official invite to renew)

In other words, if our contact details are correct on last year's licence, all we need to do is sit back and wait for the renewal invoice. (alright maybe that is also a bit of a dream - but that is what the Gazette says)

This chasing around trying to complete a form and have it CofO'ed by tomorrow morning makes no sense at all.
Damn, Bob pipped me to the post!

I also have read the document as..."if your contact details have changed" need to complete form B!

Nowhere does it state that you are renewing or seeking renewal for a five year period!

I would seriouly like to renew for the five year period licence - It's a good idea and a saving to boot, albeit only R100!

So, here's an idea...ICASA, why not ammend the original renewal forms, you know, the 5 paged one with the green and yellow pages, with an additional field/s allowing the applicant to choose the renewal for either annual, bi-annual or for a five years period/s?

Why reinvent the wheel?

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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Peter.L. »


Sorry but you are dead wrong.

The gazette is an invitation for licensees to apply for a renewal of their licences in terms of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, Part IV, Section 9 (1) to (4). In summary, Section 9 requires EVERYONE holding a RFS licence to apply for renewal within 40 days prior to the licence expiry date of 31st March by completing and submitting Form B. However, if your licence details have changed since you last renewed, e.g. your postal address has changed, and you have not advised ICASA of the change, you must lodge the application by close of business today, 25th January. If you don't submit a renewal request within the period/s provided for, then paragraph 4. of the Gazette applies and this states quite clearly "4. Licences for which no renewals are submitted will be regarded as EXPIRED AND INVALID at the end of the current financial year." In other words, if you don't submit a completed Form B, either by today or before 31st March, dependent upon circumstances as indicated above, no renewal invoice will be sent to you and and it will be considered that you no longer require the licence which may then be summarily cancelled!

It's not worth taking the chance of losing your licence as that will create big problems when your aircraft's airworthy inspection comes around again.

By the way, it's not only Aeronautical licences to which the provisions of the Gazette and RFSR Part IV, Section 9 apply. It is every RFS licence issued by ICASA, including maritime, amateur, CB, radio dealer, private, farmer's band, etc., etc.

Chris - the "application for up to 5 years" will kick in when you receive your renewal invoice (after having submitted a completed Form B) and is a simple matter of paying the fee required for the period for which you want to renew and a new licence bearing the relevant dates will be supplied to you. But be aware that this provision is ONLY applicable to 3 types of licence, i.e. Amateur, Aeronautical and Maritime.

I hope that has added a bit of clarity to the matter.

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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Bob Corbett »

I honestly feel like giving up ...... spent 2.5 hrs on the ICASA website and am none the wiser - cannot find the regs at all. However I found this

Renewal of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences
Posted on 1/17/2013 in Media Release

Johannesburg - The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa hereby gives notice to radio frequency spectrum users to apply for the renewal of radio frequency spectrum licences for the financial year 2013/14.

The Authority issues radio frequency spectrum licences on an annual basis to a wide range of operators and service providers including electronic communication service licensees, electronic communication network licensees, emergency services and security services.

Ordinarily these radio frequency spectrum licences are renewable annually; however, the Authority has made a special provision for amateur, aeronautical and ship station categories to apply for Multi-Year Licences in terms of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Fee Regulations as published in Notice 33495 on 27 August 2010.

The above-mentioned category of licensees is encouraged to apply for multi-year licences in order to qualify for a discount in radio spectrum fees payable.

The radio frequency spectrum licence renewal requirements do not apply to all licence exempt operators including licensees in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. The closing date for applications is 25 Jan 2013.

All enquiries relating to the renewal of the radio frequency spectrum licences can be sent via email to or telephonically to Elias Letlape 011 566 3323; Dewald Kuhrau 011 566 3319; Mokgadi Ledwaba 011 566 3321.


For all media enquiries please contact:
Paseka Maleka
Tel: 011 566 3455
Mob: 079 509 0702
Tags: Media Release

Still no mention of FORM B and what is the 1/17/2013 thingie?
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by ian »

Bob, just sent you an email with my email address. They sent me the form and am happy to send it onto you.
Cheers Ian
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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Bob Corbett »

Thanks Ian, got your e-mail; you are obviously one of those nice guys in this world. Look forward to meeting you one day. Will send you a reply just now.


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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by Peter.L. »


Regarding the radio licence renewal process we have been discussing for the last week or so. ICASA HQ has today extended the closing date for applications to renew. Previously stated as 25th January, the date has been extended to 1st February (this Friday). Anyone who possibly missed the post last Friday, please endeavour to lodge your applications by this Friday coming.


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Re: Radio Licence renewals for 2013-2014 year

Unread post by SONERAI »

A lot of aircraft owners I spoke to did not know of this new arrangement, so I gues there is going to be a lot of cancelled licences.
It would be better if ICASA send these forms with the renewal invoice, then at least the owners are aware of the renewal system and can fill them in and send them to ICASA

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