The Savage Shock Cub..

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by B.hawker »

I wonder how Just Aircraft are taking 'carbon copy' of their pioneering work with the SuperStol....they're both really cool aircraft and I hope there is space for both of them in the market....
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Flyingfrontiers »

I think you'll find more of the inspiration behind the Savage Shock Cub came from Bobby Breeden's Glacier Cub, which has won the Valdez STOL competition a number of times. The Superstol is a great plane, but I would hardly call the Shock Cub a carbon copy of it. There are aspects that are shared by both, including the suspension, but the Shock, like most of the serious STOL aircraft used in Alaska and elsewhere (Supercubs), have a tandem seating arrangement. Much better for the pilot, who has restricted visibility in a side-by-side arrangement.
Interestingly, the Shock Cub that took part this year in Valdez was flown by Gary Green, the owner, who took delivery of the plane a couple of days before the event, had 1 hour of practice on the plane, and still had the 3rd shortest takeoff overall at the competition, of 39ft. This with a 115hp Rotax 914, against the 180-260HP powered aircraft, many of which are built specifically to compete at Valdez.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by V5 - LEO » the spinner on that a/c - :idea: love the whole a/c :mrgreen:
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by damiens »

4Holer wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:24 pm Placed order last July, expecting delivery before the end of this year. Could not be happier with the service and support to date from the local agents, Craig & Ian at Flying Frontiers or Pasquale Russo (Mr. Zlin Savage) himself. Have been to the factory twice (first time the day before we placed the order) and plan on at least 2 more visits during the build.

Here's our spec -

Shock Cub
Rotax 915 turbo 135 hp
Aerodynamic package carbon slats and vortex complete set
Black Carbon-fibre wingtips
Extended fuel tank 108 lt
3 blade carbon prop yellow tips
29” Alaskan Bushwheel Airstreaks main wheels plus dual fork Matco tailwheel
Beringer single caliper brakes
Shooter left window (opening)
Strobes, Nav & landing light LED system
Control stick mounted trim switch
Black interior
Black pack comands inst. panel
MGL iEFIS 7" main reference with integrated engine parameters
ASI, Alimeter,
Comet/MGL V06 Comm with integrated intercom
Trig TT22 Mode S transponder with ADS-B Out
Note: the main seats will be installed 4 cm backward including standard seats and standard floorboards

It's going to be worth the wait. Will document the build.

Delivery at Flying Frontiers base in the Natal Midlands hopefully by the end of the year and we'll fly it home to Stellenbosch the longest way possible.

Will get to know her real well far away from the ground before we get to have fun down towards the ground.

Will keep you posted.
Hi 4Holer, sorry to bother, I have a few questions about your new shock cub, we have one with the 912 and would be keen to compare notes. I sent a PM, but it is sitting in the "outbox". Not sure what that means. Thanks Damien
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by nevillecarew »

4Holer, when is your Savage Cub arriving in Stellies.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by 4Holer »

Sorry I missed your message Damien.

Placed my order over 2 years ago. It’s been a long ride; I have learnt to be patient.

A lot of the time has been waiting on Rotax to roll out the 915. When it finally did happen they wouldn’t allow a fixed-pitch prop and an aircraft like the Shock really doesn’t need a VP.

So, we’ve gone for the 914 with a chipped ECU which should deliver 125 horses.

Everything else per the original spec except the mains are now 31” Desser Aeroclassics on 10” Beringer hubs and an 11” Matco dual-arm tail-wheel.

Ours will not be the first Shock in the country; that is already headed for SA without an engine and will apparently be fitted with a (Norwegian) Edge Performance upgraded Rotax in Potch.

I was at the factory in the Czech Republic around a month back; I think it’ll be finished around end of the month, early August. Then we’ll ship it to Craig Lang’s (Flying Frontiers) facility at Eva’s Field in Hilton, where it gets reassembled.

Plan is to keep it in KZN for a while then relocate to Stellies before the end of the year.

I’ll keep you posted.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Flyingfrontiers »

Here's a link to a Shock Cub video from one flying in Alaska to whet the appetite....
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Pete »

Very nice little aerie but you can do the same with a Robbie 22 with zero landing and T/O distance to boot :wink: :lol: .

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Mrb13676 »

Pete wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:49 am Very nice little aerie but you can do the same with a Robbie 22 with zero landing and T/O distance to boot :wink: :lol: .

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

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Mrb13676 wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:21 pm
Pete wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:49 am Very nice little aerie but you can do the same with a Robbie 22 with zero landing and T/O distance to boot :wink: :lol: .

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Per hour cost comparison ?
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Flyingfrontiers »

Cost comparison - per hour on the Shock Cub, with a 914 Turbo Rotax
About R370 for fuel (23L/Hr of Mogas)
Services/MPI's - about R4000-R5000 every 100 hours, and about R2500 every 50 Hours, depending on who does the work. AP to sign it off. Again, about R65/hr.
TBO on a 914 is 2000hrs - R450 000 replacement cost. Works out at R225/hr.
Insurance costs would be around R2000/month. At 20 hours a month, this is R100/Hr.

Purchase price of a well equipped, brand new Shock Cub - between R1.3 and R1.6m.

I have no idea what a Robbie 22 costs per hour, but I imagine way more that this.

A major plus on the Shock Cub I would argue is the safety aspect. It's unstallable (yes, it will "stall" at around 18kts, but will just mush down without dropping a wing, no matter how much you try to force it to), and can land virtually anywhere. If you consider an impact of 18kts (33km/h) at a rate of descent of 600-700fpm (which by the way the Shock system has been designed to cope with, and been tested for), you'd have to be very unlucky not to walk away from an engine induced emergency. My understanding is this rate of descent is less than a ballistic chute - but I may be wrong. Structurally, it's rated at +6-3G, so structural failure is also a very unlikely scenario. Having now flown around 500 hours on Savages, I cannot get over the strength and resilience of these aircraft. They amaze me constantly.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by nevillecarew »

Has she arrived in Hilton yet?
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by 4Holer »

My lesson in patience continues Neville. She’s almost done but still in the Czech Republic. Primarily just waiting on a propellor and the instrument panel to be completed.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Dusty Eagle »

Are those cracks in the tyre
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by 4Holer »

Dusty Eagle wrote: Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:43 pm Are those cracks in the tyre?
You are one eagle-eyed guy Dusty! Hell, I didn't see those cracks! Thanks for averting a calamitous situation!

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