Registrations from the 70's

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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by ERNIE »

AC6T wrote:
ERNIE wrote:
Ray W wrote:Bad spelling Ernie. What I meant was I wish I did have a photo of SSN.
Thanks Ray for your trouble. AC6T has come up with the answer, above.
IIRC the retract ram failed and the right main gear did not lock.

Whoops!!! Sorry, I retract and apologise for my statement regarding the possible finger trouble, but I also did say possible mechanical problem. Thanks AC6T for the answer. Regards
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by MLyons »

ERNIE wrote:Can anyone please advise whether ZS-FJB, a Cessna 206, is still up and running ?? First registered in about 1968. Thanks
Last I remember she was used at D200 airfield for meatbombing.
There was a moerse hangar fire some years ago and I believe she was destroyed.

I can get the details from the ex-owner if you like?
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by ERNIE »

MLyons wrote:
ERNIE wrote:Can anyone please advise whether ZS-FJB, a Cessna 206, is still up and running ?? First registered in about 1968. Thanks
Last I remember she was used at D200 airfield for meatbombing.
There was a moerse hangar fire some years ago and I believe she was destroyed.

I can get the details from the ex-owner if you like?

Hi there MLyons

I haven't been back to this Forum for yonks, so, sorry for not seeing your post. Ja, if it's not too much trouble for you, I would like to hear of it's condition or whatever. As mentioned earlier, I flew her for about 4 years, before converting onto the Aero Commander. If she was destroyed, then that is the 3rd Aircraft that I was involved with in our " Company Airforce " that has come to an ignominious ending. Shame, she was a great aerie and never gave me a days problem or trouble and I never put a dent or scratch onto any of them. Regards and thanks for responding.

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Re: Registrations from the 70's

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ddevos wrote:According to the registration database it is still registered, but no longer airworthy. It is a 1962 model.
Would the data base say who the last registered owner is/was of ZS-CTC?
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by ERNIE »

Insane wrote:
ddevos wrote:According to the registration database it is still registered, but no longer airworthy. It is a 1962 model.
Would the data base say who the last registered owner is/was of ZS-CTC?
Hi Insane

I believe that the previous owners name is known to Ed Mordt, who is with Executive Air at Charles Prince. I emailed him in December and he replied with the latest information on CTC, including if I remember correctly, the previous and the present owners names.

Unfortunately, I have deleted all mail prior to March this year and cannot remember the name of the Company. However, if you care to email him, I can let you have his email address, via PM. Please advise whether you are interested. Regards
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

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Some of the early ones from my logbook... C-172's from the Cape Aero Club in 1977... JBG, JBO, IYI, JDK.... Anyone with any news on them?
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Roger Bozzoli »

ZS-AST PA28-140
ZS-RAL PA28-180
ZS-FLY PA28- 180
ZS-ING PA28R-180
ZS-SCH PA28-140
ZS-OOL PA28R 200
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Ray W »

Roger Bozzoli wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:25 am ZS-AST PA28-140
ZS-RAL PA28-180
ZS-FLY PA28- 180
ZS-ING PA28R-180
ZS-SCH PA28-140
ZS-OOL PA28R 200
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by V5 - LEO »

...that was cool markting related thought out
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Bearcat »

Roger Bozzoli wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:25 am ZS-AST PA28-140
ZS-RAL PA28-180
ZS-FLY PA28- 180
ZS-ING PA28R-180
ZS-SCH PA28-140
ZS-OOL PA28R 200
ZS-FLY used to be owned by IKTAV's father and based at FAPE
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Ray W »

Roger Bozzoli wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:25 am ZS-AST PA28-140
ZS-RAL PA28-180
ZS-FLY PA28- 180
ZS-ING PA28R-180
ZS-SCH PA28-140
ZS-OOL PA28R 200
Roger, would you happen to have the serial number for the Arrow ZS-ING. I don't have details for that aircraft, I can only find two Barons with that reg.

I also don't have any photos of any of these aircraft. I'd love to add them to my collection. I remember seeing all these aircraft during my time at Rand.
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Roger Bozzoli »

Hi Ray,
As far as I can remember the original registrations were as follows
AST was origially EST
RAL was from an aircraft originallt with a 9J Register
FLY was originally EKY
ING was FGN (I think)
SCH Also not too sure
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Roger Bozzoli »

We did a fly away with a few of these aircraft to LM (Maputo) and I remember Claus Hildebrand took photos, if he is still around he might be able to help with pictures.
This was all 1972 or 1974
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Der absolute Hammer »

Avex Air at Rand used to to have ZS FMC and ZS FMK.
For nostalgic reasons, can anyone one please tell me what really happened to either of these aircraft. In particular, I'd be appreciate a steer to the investigation report into night time fatal crash at FAGM?
I'm glad to see Roger Bozzoli is still on earth. You and this RB flew down and back to Natal for the wedding that ended in the above mentioned tragedy.
Does anyone know what happened to ZS KNF, a lovely Cessna 310, the flying of which I shared with the owner back when Barbara ran Rossair at Rand.
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Re: Registrations from the 70's

Unread post by Ray W »

Der absolute Hammer wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:59 am Avex Air at Rand used to to have ZS FMC and ZS FMK.
For nostalgic reasons, can anyone one please tell me what really happened to either of these aircraft. In particular, I'd be appreciate a steer to the investigation report into night time fatal crash at FAGM?
I'm glad to see Roger Bozzoli is still on earth. You and this RB flew down and back to Natal for the wedding that ended in the above mentioned tragedy.
Does anyone know what happened to ZS KNF, a lovely Cessna 310, the flying of which I shared with the owner back when Barbara ran Rossair at Rand.
Happy days to one and all.
ZS-FMC was written off at Grand Central on take-off when the cowling flew off - unfortunately I can't remember the date. This is the last photo I have of her taken at Brits in 2010.

ZS-FMK would have been the one w/o at Rand I think. She was taken off the register in November 1976

ZS-KNF went to Namibia as V5-KNF 27/03/1991
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