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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Burner »

South Africa actually has a very robust, largely independent judiciary. The wheel does turn, albeit slowly, when it comes to court cases. I'd be interested to know on what grounds Link lost this case, and if it wasn't down to a technicality during the business rescue process.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Volo »

Burner wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:36 pm South Africa actually has a very robust, largely independent judiciary. The wheel does turn, albeit slowly, when it comes to court cases. I'd be interested to know on what grounds Link lost this case, and if it wasn't down to a technicality during the business rescue process.
I disagree . I think South Africa's judicial system is extremely convoluted .
You only have to try and follow some of the politico / corruption trials going on to see what I would call a miscarriage of justice - Jacob for one just continues to manipulate the courts at will .
No sorry - the legal profession leaves me reaching for a paper bag.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by GLF4 »

Volo wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:39 pm
Burner wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:36 pm South Africa actually has a very robust, largely independent judiciary. The wheel does turn, albeit slowly, when it comes to court cases. I'd be interested to know on what grounds Link lost this case, and if it wasn't down to a technicality during the business rescue process.
I disagree . I think South Africa's judicial system is extremely convoluted .
You only have to try and follow some of the politico / corruption trials going on to see what I would call a miscarriage of justice - Jacob for one just continues to manipulate the courts at will .
No sorry - the legal profession leaves me reaching for a paper bag.
Agree largely in part here, it seems it comes down to money and who you know. Just because it's a law, doesn't mean it's justice...
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Re: Airlink news

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Re: Airlink news

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The things I want to say about Josh Cahill could easily fill a library! #-o
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Clear prop!
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Burner »

Airplaneguy9 wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:26 pm The things I want to say about Josh Cahill could easily fill a library! #-o
I tend to agree with you... I find his reviews a little over the top sometimes. However some of the things he pointed out, were legitimately embarrassing. Zero excuse for rubbish lying around an aircraft when you board and disinterested check in staff. He rambles on how galleys by law need to be crewed at all times.. which is obviously totally incorrect. Definitely not correct that the cabin crew spent a large portion of the flight all huddled in the back galley. But it's hilarious how he then spins it into "Airlink doesn't care about safety".

Definitely some feedback for Airlink in this video, diluted with a lot of hyped up influencer click bait.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by henkhugo »

Airplaneguy9 wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:26 pm The things I want to say about Josh Cahill could easily fill a library! #-o
He is an entitled, ill informed whiny little b!tch... more airlines should place him on a no fly list for his outright BS lies.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by airbusa346 »

Seriously who is this Josh Cahill guy? What background does he have, or is he just a whiny little youtuber? Because all he does is trash-talk every airline he flies on! The guy should be banned!
African Flyer wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:51 pm
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Carl von Ludwig »

Now I know there is some controversies about his airline reviews, but this is typical South African attitude.
Let's see the responses.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Glenn L »

I stopped watching this guys videos a long time ago.
He loves to create 'clickbait' videos and he exaggerrates errors to a ridiculous extent.
I agree the airlines should ban him.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Glenn L »

p.s. I'm currently in Cyprus
I flew Turkish from Jhb.
I could have pointed out plenty of the same facts about my flight -
(the cabin crew ignored us most of the time, food terrible, previous pax rubbish in the seat pocket, not enough water, cabin temp way too hot, etc.)
but I would not venture to say they made the flight unsafe in any way.

Lets be real, airline flying is not what it used to be - we dont dress up to fly anymore and leg room is a bonus.
no one cares much about economy pax. (Business is where the money is)
So for your summer holiday flight....I say make the best of it and enjoy the view.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by northerndbn »

GLF4 wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:47 am
Volo wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:39 pm
Burner wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:36 pm South Africa actually has a very robust, largely independent judiciary. The wheel does turn, albeit slowly, when it comes to court cases. I'd be interested to know on what grounds Link lost this case, and if it wasn't down to a technicality during the business rescue process.
I disagree . I think South Africa's judicial system is extremely convoluted .
You only have to try and follow some of the politico / corruption trials going on to see what I would call a miscarriage of justice - Jacob for one just continues to manipulate the courts at will .
No sorry - the legal profession leaves me reaching for a paper bag.
Agree largely in part here, it seems it comes down to money and who you know. Just because it's a law, doesn't mean it's justice...
Well then you clearly don't follow the world news. This is entirely how justice works in the US, UK etc. Ours actually is more independent and functioning than those two often are these days. So be careful what you wish for
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Richard007 »

The judgement is a public document so its rationale is available for all to see. Seems pretty open and shut, largely agreed with the High Court judgement.

Its reportable so law students will be learning from Airlinks loss for years to come.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by Joker11 »

African Flyer wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:51 pm
I watched a few of his videos. He comes off as very unlikeable. Pretty much always finding something to complain about.

His reviews on Qatar were bought by the airline.
In the battle between aeroplanes and the ground. The ground has yet to lose.

Aviation would be great, if it wouldn't be for passengers.
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Re: Airlink news

Unread post by HJK 414 »

Joker11 wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:52 pm
I watched a few of his videos. He comes off as very unlikeable. Pretty much always finding something to complain about.

His reviews on Qatar were bought by the airline.


It is his earning model to "find" stuff to complain about.
A video of how nice and efficient everything is going - is bad clickbait.
And the attitude is part of the play ...

Modern times - social media ..... ](*,)

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