then the vendor has probably committed fraud.
The vendor would work on the passed standards provided by the manufacturer - so it would be the manufacturer misrepresenting the product.
A government that demands that only a specific list of devices are used in SA, would need to do due diligence - if they didn't - they are liable if they now change their story, the sum of money spent on these devices per household or business is huge - a class action law suit will sue for a huge figure also (Think Billions of ZAR). Governments need to comply with all their own laws already in effect when they write new regulations that prescribe only certain devices as being compliant for SA consumers to use.
Radio interference would be a international issue on SW - if it really was a huge design concern globally in terms of this technology. It wont be a SA specific problem. The systems sold here in SA were sold and installed overseas long before the industry took off in SA.
The top 2 solar inverter manufacturers
in the world are Chinese. China has 240000 radio amateurs (June 2024 CRAC stats) thats 100s of thousands more than SA, so if the problem was truly significant - it would have surfaced in China long ago, and addressed by the manufacturers so as to not lose their lead in the global market. Shortwave is the same frequency band all over the world - SA and ICASA doesn't have an extra special short wave frequency band.
Importante - make sure you are not buying fake branded knockoffs of any brand - TIA, like the CS panel fakes that were sold in SA a while back. Every panel and inverter of the leading brands sold in SA that is genuine, has a serial number used to register its warranty. I insisted the serial numbers of all my components be listed on the installers invoice. And I checked each and every one of them, before they were installed, because this is Africa.
As for trying to force or threaten removal of installations (private assets) just because of a couple of complaints - whoever tries that will learn a Section 25 lesson in a court, just like SAPS did. A high court case that set a legal precedent for any similar cases in future. SAPS tried to remove private assets of civilians through new legislation amendments and then tried to enforce those law amendments - the high court told them to go and fly a kite because it was unconstitutional.
Even with the best brands manufactured in the world, you always get a couple of duds, including poorly shielded radio ham sets, and in Africa you get a lot of counterfeit goods also.
Furthermore there is no proof that these brands consistently cause the same problem with all their devices - if fact there is evidence to the contrary, and the irony is that the evidence comes from radio hams.
My neighbours used to call me "fiddler on the roof" in my radio amateur days, because I was always fine tuning antennas I built.. from the roof. No shortwave antenna is equally effective at all shortwave frequencies. They aren't perfect devices either and only work best for its exact cut frequency, add a not so perfect receiver and you will make the antennas limitation even worse. Shortwave receivers are only as good as its antenna, no matter how sophisticated or expensive they are.