Survey flying with PPL CATS & CARS

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Survey flying with PPL CATS & CARS

Unread post by zeroZehn »

Hi all

I was wondering what the regulations are for flying surveys privately with a PPL(A) without compensation?
I have gone through the CATS & CARS on the SACAA website, but I can't seem to find anything regarding survey flying.
Is there extra training or ratings required?

Any help would greatly be appreciated
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Richard Smit
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Re: Survey flying with PPL CATS & CARS

Unread post by Richard Smit »

Unless one is surveying one's own property (Pt. 91), this is providing an aviation service.

As such somebody is (most probably) paying for the service, and some entity is providing the service. No ASL (AOC) operator is allowed to employ PPL pilots to conduct survey work.

No ASL (AOC).... No legal operation.
No CPL (or higher)... No commercial operation of an aircraft.

So, no a PPL may not conduct survey work, unless its being done privately, for one's self.

But, as an acid test, ask the following:

If there is a court case following an accident/incident, will my decision to conduct survey flying as a PPL holder survive legal scrutiney? Secondly.. Will (life and aircraft) insurance cover such an operation, knowing that the pilot is a PPL holder?
Plan, Lookout, Balance, Speed.

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