Sling 4 Around the World

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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by BlueHawk »

Is the plan still to fly the Sling 4 to the Durban Airshow?
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Dave Mc Naught »

Hi, yes.. you can pick up the full story on their website at

Looks like they will be bringing it to Virginia for a test, but the official launch only takes place on the 19th and they fly off on the round-the-world trip the next day 20th July.
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by jpitman »

The all-nighters have started as D-day for Sling 4 ATW approaches at the speed of light. Although the prototype ATW Sling 4 won’t be making an appearance at Virginia, the Sling 4 launch at 10h00 on Tuesday 19 July is a fixed date and she’ll leave for Oshkosh the next day or as soon thereafter as she’s ready. (There will, nevertheless, be a number of other standard Slings on show at Virginia).

Meanwhile, work at The Airplane Factory is reaching a crescendo. Yesterday Jean and Ruan put in a marathon session, each working for 31 continuous hours. The fuselage team worked until after midnight last night, but had the satisfaction of seeing the fuselage from firewall to tail in one continuous piece. They’re back on the job today with the objective of getting her on her undercarriage with the engine on by tomorrow morning. Ryall’s working non-stop on the Perspex for the canopy and the wing team is just surveying its work before beginning to polish them up for final fitment.

Probably the most eloquent expression of where we are right now is some photographs all, save for the shot of Jean and Ruan at the commencement of a 15 hour non-stop laminating session which was taken at about 22h00 last night all of the shots below were taken an hour ago at 13h00 today, Wednesday 13 July 2011.

Meanwhile, on the side, ZU-FNM, our Cape Town agent, Mark Bunning’s Sling, will fly later today under a proving flight authority and ZU-FNN, David Jang’s Sling has an authority to fly and is ready for delivery.

Til next time – The Airplane Factory Team
Jean and Ruan - before a 15 hour non-stop stint.jpg
Ruan on the canopy - after 32 hours of non-stop work.jpg
The wings - almost ready to fly.jpg
The fuselage coming together.jpg
Inner fuselage.jpg
Mandla still in good spirits after a night on the airfield.jpg
Getting the Sling 4 panel talking to the VPX.jpg
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by ppakotze »

32 hour shifts, good thing they're doing composite/fibreglass as the platemetal workers are on strike!

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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by pieter001 »

This is very exciting to follow and well done, some serious hours and effort by all to make this happen. To see an airplane take shape in 2 weeks is awesome and I can't wait to see the final product. Good luck to the entire TAF team with this project =D>
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Whirly »

This is a great SA story and I have to say very well done guys!! =D>

I am just a tiny bit disturbed by the rush job that happens every time just before Osh, a place that's not just around the corner. Why wait every time till the last minute? :?

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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by AirplaneFtyWeb »

Hi, please check the website in future for the latest updates from James and Mike regarding the progress on the Sling 4. Also, James will be interviewed tomorrow (14th of July) on 702 by Redi Tlhabi some time during the time slot 10h40 to 11h00. We will do occasional updates to Avcom, but most of the updates will be made on the website itself.
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Pete »

Once again to all the Chaps and Chapesses of the Airplane factory.. we are very proud of you..bon voyage!! =D> =D> =D> :D
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

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James on 702 talking to Redi now :wink:
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by ColdFingers »

Only caught the tail end

These guys are going places. 10 orders in May alone. Staff count from 3 to 45 in less than a year.

Well done Airplane Factory :!: :!:
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Deanw »

Recreation Aviation South Africa will be presenting members from The Airplane factory a certificate in recognition of their achievements during the past couple of years.

The certificate will be handed over at the Durban Airshow held on 16 July 2011.
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by GL »

Deanw wrote:From RAASA:
Recreation Aviation South Africa will be presenting members from The Airplane factory a certificate in recognition of their achievements during the past couple of years.

The certificate will be handed over at the Durban Airshow held on 16 July 2011.

Only problem is I reckon they will be working too hard to go to Virginia to collect their prize
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The podcast of Redi's interview with James Pitman

Unread post by Peter L »

For those that missed Redi's interview with James, click here for the podcast.
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by BlueHawk »

I had the opportunity to meet with James today at the Virginia Airshow. Had my first up close look at the Sling, and I am in Love. Now I have an itch to take her for a ride... (starts to sound like a schoolboy havin a crush on the head cheerleader.) James, you are an inspiration! Good luck and we are all behind you!
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Peter L »

...and you're going to post a few pics of the Kettie on the "Seen at FAVG" thread ... :wink:
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