ADS-B data monitoring with a license

ICASA is the regulator for the South African communications, broadcasting and postal services sector. At this stage, this section is not officially sanctioned by ICASA management and is being monitored on a voluntary basis.

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ADS-B data monitoring with a license

Unread post by dude5101 »


I have recently acquired a Restricted Radio License (Aviation) while completing my PPL. While completing the PPL I hear about and ADS-B data and would like to monitor ADS-B data myself.

I have read through the conditions of my license but cannot find any information pertaining to the legality of me, as a RRL holder, monitoring ADS-B data.

I monitor VHF Aviation Transmissions as is allowed by my license but can anyone advise if I can legally monitor ADS-B data, before I purchase equipment to start doing so.


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