Preserving an Engine

The Jabiru Engine which is used in many other aircraft.

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Preserving an Engine

Unread post by checkride »


My engine arrived today. I need to know how best to preserve this motor internally. Its not going to be started for at least a year or until the Kit is complete. I still need to be able to work on the engine. I will not need to turn the motor over......How do the pros do this....
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Re: Preserving an Engine

Unread post by Swampdonkey »

There's a section on "long term storage" in the Jabi Manuals that covers all the salient points.
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Re: Preserving an Engine

Unread post by checkride »

[quote="FATBOY"]There's a section on "long term storage" in the Jabi Manuals that covers all the salient points.[/quote]

Yea only issue it doesn't tell you what product to use go figure anyway sorted. denzo tape, coreless products motor can now stand.

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