The Savage Shock Cub..

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The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Fransw »

Some say this is the ultimate Bushplane!

Any owners/reviews on this aerie. It sure looks great! :D
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by V5 - LEO »

.......apparently very good, strong and built too last - just depends on the nut behind the stick :twisted: favorite
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Fransw »

For me this is really safe flying! Land at 20mph!!! :shock:

Engine out is a non event. You can put this thing down on a helipad!..

You can not go safer than this..
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by jimdavis »

Isn't that absolutely bloody amazing? With all our modern technology, we haven't managed to improve much on an 80 year old design. =D> =D> =D>

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

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Is there an agent in SA for after sale service?

Nice trainer aerie..
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Jayson v Schalkwyk »

there is indeed. - Craig and Ian. The guys are baaed at Howick airfield. They also have the Bobber, Savage Cub and they do training on both.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Mauler »

jimdavis wrote:With all our modern technology, we haven't managed to improve much on an 80 year old design.
This is so true. Other than composites largely replacing nature's own composite, wood, there are very few changes in aircraft indeed.

Mostly, old designs with bigger (old) engines are still in production. Even airliners haven't changed much. To the untrained or uninterested eye, there is little difference between Boeing's oldest and newest jets.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by CaptWags »

Hi All,

Very good to see you guys appreciating the Shock Cub. Thank you very much for responding Jayson, its been a bit busy our side.

The Shock Cub is part of our Savage bush range of 7 aircraft. It is the most extreme and STOL orientated aircraft in the range. With a 15kt stall speed (I still can't bring my mind around those numbers) it will land between 6 -10 meters in no wind conditions. The Shock system has replaced the bungee system allowing for 30cm's of travel with little to no bounce. The undercarriage is very far forward, allowing for maximum braking on touchdown. The aircraft is equipped with leading edge slates (3 per wing) which move independently and according to the factory, it is incredibly difficult to put the aircraft into a spin due to the automatically deploying, independent slats. We already have several ordered for South Africa and will see the first one hitting the shores in July/August.

Jim I totally agree, it is unbelievable how some designs have stuck through almost 80 years. The trim system on a J3 Cub is a Jackscrew that adjusts the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. The Shock Cub has this very system and next time you're around the rear end of a B737, have a close look at its tail :wink:

The Savage aircraft are all 21st century versions of the Piper J3 Cub and Super Cub. Little has been changed over the entire design but rather small updates and improvements. The frames are now chromoly, lighter and more powerful engines etc. These aircraft are simply designed to put a smile on your face. When in the air, the Savage Bobber flies exactly the same as the J3 Cub (albeit with a bit more power).

For more information on any aircraft in our range, please feel free to contact me at or on 076 334 2335.

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by rajarad »

What do these go for ?
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Kogs »

Can it be flown as an LSA?
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by CaptWags »

Yes the aircraft are all in the LSA category.

With regards to price it all depends on which model you are looking at, what options you decide on (engine options, paint, instrumentation, etc), undercarriage (Beringer brakes, Alaskan Bushwheels) etc. For an exact quote please email me exactly what you are looking for and we go from there. The Savage Agilis (photo in the thread above) starts from about R500,000 depending on options. The savage Shock Cub is the top of the range with the largest fuselage and you are looking at roughly R1,7m for a well equipped aircraft.

Every aircraft in the range is built for a specific purpose. The Shock Cub is built to be the best STOL and Bush aircraft on the market.
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Fransw »

This is the Shock Cub, the Bobber is the open one I think..

What is the Mtow of the Shock Cub and can one do ppl training on it?.....thanks! :D
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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by Flyingfrontiers »

All the Savages are delivered in SA as factory built, and have a CAA Type Acceptance, meaning they can be used for Part 62 (LSA) training. We train on our Bobber under a Part 62 LSA ATO, with MAUW of 600kg's. They can obviously be flown with a PPL or NPL, but not used at this stage for PPL training, unless you complete your NPL and credit hours towards a PPL through a Part 61 School using their aircraft (if I'm not mistaken, you will need to do a minimum of 10 hours through a Part 61 school) and do the PPL exams.

Even through the Shock Cubs coming to SA soon will be registered as LSA and 600kg MTOW, in their test process the aircraft and newly designed wings were cleared for 680kg's at +6-3G's.

The first Shock Cub for Alaska flew this week, in Italy, and will shortly be shipped in time to compete in the Alaskan Valdez STOL competition coming up in a couple of months, as a standard factory delivered aircraft. In fact the "standard" factory specs of the Shock Cub are mostly in line with the highly modified and "souped up" Super Cubs that participate in the competition. In early test flying, the prototype SC landed in 6.8m in a 5kt headwind, just 20cm off last year's Valdez winning Glacier Cub flown by Bobby it's right up there in STOL performance with the records..

I know Ian did mention prices from R1.7m,but that would be for the absolute top of the range. Prices range from about €85000 - €100 000 for a well equipped Shock Cub with either a Rotax 914, 912uls with Supercharger, or new 915is. So for less than a new Sling 2 for example, you can get the best STOL aircraft out there...100mph cruise, 20mph stall, as mentioned earlier, flying a fixed wing aircraft cannot get safer than this.

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Re: The Savage Shock Cub..

Unread post by pilotC »

In case of structural failure or a midair is a ballistic chute an option?

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