Let me fly your plane

Johanesburg Light Plane Club

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Tripped over wheel chock
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Let me fly your plane

Unread post by johnmurrayh »


I am a Comm pilot with 257 TT..Twin engine frozen ATP. I need to get to 500 + hours to have a better chance at employment.
If you have, or know of someone who has their own plane and would be willing to have me fly them around, for free of course, pls send a personal message or use contacts below. The cost of the rating on your plane, I.E fuel, paper work and instructor, will be covered by me. I am not sure what the insurance premium would be if I fly your plane, but if I can I will definitely cover it or the excess insurance.

I am in PTA east, 32 years old.
PLS try and help me out everyone, much appreciated.

John-Murray Hofmeyr
Mr B
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Re: Let me fly your plane

Unread post by Mr B »

suggest you consider speaking to a few operators in Swakopmund, Namibia.
My son did that and it help a lot.
there are a few operators - google it and you will find some.
Suggest you then get on a flight and go see them personally.
best and all success !!!!
Tripped over wheel chock
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Re: Let me fly your plane

Unread post by johnmurrayh »

Thank you Mr B will do.

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