Open Letter to the Community

Tips and Tricks to get the most out of your AvCom experience.

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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by cage »

ACE MAN wrote:Jokes aside here, I actually agree with JK here - if we were to meet in a bar - maybe some day - I am sure things will be largely amicable and will get on famously.
Make sure there is some decent wine and even I will show up. May even buy a round or two.
Most conflict tends to arrive from misconceptions, something that is much more difficult to do in person.
(I'm just as guilty with this as everyone else)
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by ACE MAN »

Agreed, in similar vain, one being a professional pilots does not mean one is professional. Face it , like it or not , this is where we come for our one stop aviation news, views and great photography. I have been in position to take licences away in the past and just wish people would think before posting libeous rants that may have little value , except to the poster themselves, in short let’s just play nice.
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by tanglefoot »

cage wrote:
ACE MAN wrote:Jokes aside here, I actually agree with JK here - if we were to meet in a bar - maybe some day - I am sure things will be largely amicable and will get on famously.
Make sure there is some decent wine and even I will show up. May even buy a round or two.
Most conflict tends to arrive from misconceptions, something that is much more difficult to do in person.
(I'm just as guilty with this as everyone else)
I've met him 8-[ No misconceptions there :?

Sorry Ace Man, hopefully got the quotes sorted this time
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by richard C »

A few years ago I set up an Avcom party. We used the AFOS hanger at Rand Airport. It was reasonably successful, and we had a lot of fun.

The biggest shock, in reality, was just that most people are reasonably mundane ! :lol:

That some of the biggest personalities on Avcom are just normal humble folk in their meat form, always surprises me.

I know I will upset people with this comment - but bear me out: Andre Klepper (RV), an Avcom legend who could write intelligent and often beautiful prose, was surprisingly droll in person. It was always hard for me to reconcile the great personality at the keyboard with the pragmatic, straightforward guy he was in person. Cvh was another.

To be fair, the opposite is also true. Some of the quietest voices on Avcom represent industry giants or just larger than life personalities. Like me :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

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I spend every minute the asylum allows me, on AvCom. :twisted:

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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Deanw »

Whirly wrote:I spend every minute the asylum allows me, on AvCom. :twisted:
Pretty much a circular conundrum. :lol:
How come every time my ship comes in I'm at the airport?
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Marius Schrenk »

Deanw wrote:
Whirly wrote:I spend every minute the asylum allows me, on AvCom. :twisted:
Pretty much a circular conundrum. :lol:
My thoughts exactly.....must be serious if you are allowed to two institutions simultaneously. 8)
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Whirly »

Marius Schrenk wrote:
Deanw wrote:
Whirly wrote:I spend every minute the asylum allows me, on AvCom. :twisted:
Pretty much a circular conundrum. :lol:
My thoughts exactly.....must be serious if you are allowed to two institutions simultaneously. 8)
You guys make these okes look normal! :twisted:

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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by SNIPER »

People easily become " keyboard ninjas "
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by richard C »

classic :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Fyko »

The majority of posts on this forum are 'vanity posts' insofar as they as they serve the vanity of the poster rather than the content or the quality of the forum.

Let me say right away that there are some (sadly a minority) of posts that are immensely informative and enlightening. Whenever some aviation event is reported in the media I turn immediately to this forum for the lowdown and the skinny. This is a group of incredibly knowledgeable people and they are absolutely worth listening to. But there's also a fair amount of chaff between the wheat.

The owners of Avcom might think about extending the site's PHP to include an Upvote/Downvote facility such as we have for example on Each post can be up or down voted by every reader, and the current score is shown on the post itself. This means that the poster now seeks to serve his vanity by attracting as many upvotes as he can. and this depends on the quality of the post that he produces, as perceived by the readers at large.

Since most readers are able to discern quality when they see it, and since vain posters (aren't we all) seek a high approval rating, this encourages quality over ever other consideration.

The member's current total upvote/downvote score is also displayed on his ID, more or less where rather juvenile system of 'pilotspeak' post score is displayed at present. You can then see at a glance whether a member's post is worth reading or not. Quality is rewarded rather than quantity, people are judged by how well they write rather than by how often they write.
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by GL »

100% agree.
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Brand Wessels »

Very sensible post Fyko - and I could not agree more...
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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Whirly »

Brand wrote:Very sensible post Fyko - and I could not agree more...
............................and I could not agree less! :roll:

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Re: Open Letter to the Community

Unread post by Mauler »

Fyko wrote:The member's current total upvote/downvote score is also displayed on his ID, more or less where rather juvenile system of 'pilotspeak' post score is displayed at present. You can then see at a glance whether a member's post is worth reading or not. Quality is rewarded rather than quantity, people are judged by how well they write rather than by how often they write.
You just jealous now that after 13 years of effort, I finally cracked 10 000! 8)

Bear in mind that pilots evaluate their skills in terms of hours, not ability. And certainly not the opinions of their peers.

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