_juju_ wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:54 pm
Hmm, some logical movement. Care to share the information?
I do not have a copy handy, but basically, the draft limits the definition of 'Air Services' to carriage of cargo and pax. Explicitly excludes drones < 25kg and various recreational activities/adventure activities, etc.
Most of these will still require some sort of operating certificate - but it will give the CAA some leeway as to when one will be required, and what the requirements will be.
At the moment it is legislated that just about anything that flies for profit must have an ASL, and no-one has any latitude in the matter (not the director of the CAA, or even the minister can make exceptions). Once ASL requirements are removed, there is at least a legal framework to allow a relaxation of requirements for commercial drone work (although this will still need to go through CARCOM - but some relaxations are likely in order).