which one for me?

Italian designed, all alumunium, STOL aircraft

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which one for me?

Unread post by maddrifter »

hello guys, i am a student pilot, with my wife we own a barn with some fields and my dream would be to build a small hangar and take off from my own propriety. I was looking for an ultralight (-600Kg) aircraft, capable of slow flying and stol and with a high safety rating (ballistic parachute and so on). Looking on ICP i found many Savannah models and i am confused.. could you please help me? wich one is the best for my needs? i think a 100hp model with Tundra tyres and parachute, but wich one? XL, S, VG..? Also, is it possible to get all of them in the taildragger version? it thing tw is better regarding stol performance right?b
Finally, should i consider also some other manufacturers? Such as Brm Land Africa or others? i have heard those names but never seen one. Thanks!

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