jimdavis wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:09 pm
Nope, I'm not going off in a sulk, but I sense that Roger is not going to make the big bold changes that are necessary to keep us happy. He's hoping to do it with persuasive talk and minor tweaks.
I'm not going to spend much time in a pub where the guy next to me is so anal that he won't say which hemisphere he lives in, and we are overseen by a bunch of no-name policemen with no discretion and no sense of humour.
I may pop in occasionally to see what's going on, but it doesn't feel like my pub any more.
Whoaaaaah Jim,
Let me try to muddy the waters ...... or add some food for thought.....
We are fully on the same page (as we communicate outside Avcom as well), but we need to be careful that this discussion does not derail into a blame game - especially aganst the moderators. They have been doing a thankless job (within the rules and regs set) and whether they do so under their own name or an abbreviation or funny handle - who really cares. I preferred Ugly Duckling over Paul S.
If you are on Avcom for some time - you quickly know who they are - and I have - in all these years - not really seen a bias / direct or indirect slant from the mods. They are human and have an opinion and may "lean" in a certain direction - or even speak out (what is the world coming to) - but all in all - (if you look at the amount of text / threads / posts).....even if some mishaps occurred - it speaks of an outstanding dicipline ......
Do we always agree - of course not .... we are Pilots......
As for members - I use my initials with an aircraft type I owned privately as an abbreviation / everyone knows who I am.
Dave uses Volo (= flight / flying) - I think it is quite cool.
The whole point is that the experienced members often use a "nickname" or "handle" that has something to do with their flying career / experience - I find that interesting / Charles - Rotorkop (no guesses as to what he flies) / Whirly - no guessing prizes there either ..... etc etc .
My frustration (and I believe of many others) is the intrusion of quite a number of "aviation enthusiasts" into "our pub" that turn into all knowing - pedantic - condescending pricks that know it all - and keep disturbing threads with comments that have very little or nothing to do with the topic at hand. It quickly leads to - tit for tat - (I certainy am guilty of reacting) and it then runs off the rails.
Hence my request for a "closed forum" (invitation only ?? - No idea how to manage that / perhaps a peer controlled forum ?? - there will be people with solid ideas - it is just an outcry for change !! ) - but I sincerely wish to go back to a hangar pub with likeminded souls that have spent time in cockpits - that have experience in the sky - with airframes - and who we can share time with. I have no problem with someone that has a different opinion - or mindset - but would appreciate it if he had at least some "flying" or "aviation" background before he starts "educating" me.
If you look at the amount of active "experienced" pilots on Avcom at the moment / against the number of members - we (in my view) have a problem. The amount of WikiPilots and GoogleYeagers has become disproportionate / and it shows in the quality of the threads, and the amount of Moderation required.
Summary: (in my view)
This is not about the Mods - it is about Avcom and the "new style" of public media.
It was brought about due to an unfortunate event involving a very valuable member of Avcom - and cost us UD as a Mod - but would have happened anyway - simply a matter of time. Avcom is bleeding "experience" and one wonders how long the "hangar pub" will last.
If you have a real world aviation pub for Pilots - and you end up with hang-on yuppies and no pilots - the pub will quickly loose it's aviation foundation. This is no different.