CPL IF Lapsed

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CPL IF Lapsed

Unread post by Flyingmonkey2 »

Hi to all the Avcom Legends,

I let my CPL ME IF lapse, due to flying in another country. It was my Initial CPL ME IF so it was only valid for one year. My question to you is how do I renew it. It has been about 7 months since it lapsed.

Is it basically just getting into the sim for a few hours of practice etc and then testing with a DFE again in the sim or is it required to fly in an actual aircraft.

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Re: CPL IF Lapsed

Unread post by Snitch »

Revalidation of an Instrument Rating

(2) To revalidate an instrument rating –
(a) if the validation period has not lapsed or has lapsed for a period not exceeding 24 months, the applicant must pass a proficiency check with a
designated flight examiner, as prescribed in Document SA-CATSFCL 61, in an aircraft appropriate to the particular instrument rating being revalidated;
Looks like aircraft to me
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Re: CPL IF Lapsed

Unread post by nrm »

SA Cats 61


The revalidation check shall be conducted in an aircraft or an FSTD approved for the purpose.
Neville Matthews

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