Use of Personal Classifieds

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Use of Personal Classifieds

Unread post by flying »

The personal classified sections is here for AvCom members to advertise and trade their private goods.

Commercial posts are not allowed in the personal sections.

There is no strict definition as to what is personal/private versus a commercial activity and may be left to the moderators group for a decision in marginal cases. If you are unsure about your post, PM one of the moderators. Some guidance is that it should be something that was purchased for your personal use and you no longer require it ie - you have used it and now is surplus to your needs.

The following have already been considered and are classed commercial:
  • Goods purchased or manufactured for resale, irrespective of the quantity or pricing.
  • If you are involved or employed in the industry.
  • Selling items from or on behalf of estates .
We have paid for advertising options if you wish to advertise any commercial offerings and you may make contact with us at if you wish to make use of these offers.

Not following these guidelines can result in a warning or in some cases an immediate banning.

Also consider these threads where there has been engagement with the community regarding our views: ... 16&t=56315 ... 16&t=67229
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