Thanks for your reply Marius, I was joking of course, I'm the stranger here so I full understand that is easier for you guys to write on your native language! And, by the way, I noticed that when you talk about serious stuff is always in english, grazie!
I live in the region of the famous Herman Charles Bosman (Gerrit life even closer)around here peach mampoer is seen as civilised Or klippies and coke ,spook and diesel
Politics attracts crooks and lawyers,most of the time its the same person.
We are straying,should keep Abezzi in the loop It seems to me you found a whole new civilisation here amongs the rebels (boere trekkers)I dearly hope you are not listening to Steve Stofsuier and the sperm doners
Politics attracts crooks and lawyers,most of the time its the same person.
Yes, from today we have a new goverment!
By the way I heard some rumors...Silvio and Julus are going to create a new Party togheter...they are discussing about the name!