SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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Note: The information contained in this thread is under continious review and update as new information is obtained, any updates/corrections and or new information shall be appreciated.

The following events took place in our SA Air Force's history in the month of January, the dates have not been established:


The first attempt to place national insignia on a South African aircraft was made when a South African roundel was painted onto an Avro 504K aircraft.

1941 Updated Information

:!: The last batch of Hawker Fury aircraft, totaling 16 deliveries since October 1940, finally arrived and was introduced into Air Force service.


The operational deployment of SA Air Force units to various World War 2 Theatres of Operations continued, with 15 Squadron being deployed from the Union to Cyprus, to be utilized to conduct Anti-Submarine Warfare Missions in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations.


SA Air Force officers continued to serve in senior posts in the Royal Air Force. The following Royal Air Force operational squadrons were commanded by South Africans during 1945; nl: 73 Squadron, 92 Squadron, 93 Squadron, 132 Squadron, 208 Squadron, 229 Squadron, No 10 Ferry Unit, No 4 Air Defence Unit, 205 Group and 324 Wing.


41 Squadron was re-established at Grand Central Airport and equipped with the newly acquired Cessna C-185 Skywagons; reports also indicated that a number of Auster aircraft were on strength too. The primary role of the reinstated 41 Squadron was to conduct light utility and reconnaissance missions.

:!: Updated Information - The South African Air Force placed an order for 16 Buccaneer aircraft from the United Kingdom, the aircraft were designated ‘S.Mk-50’.


1 Squadron commenced its re-location to Air Force Base Pietersburg from Air Force Base Waterkloof. Equipped with Sabres, 1 Squadron became first operational fighter squadron to be deployed to Pietersburg.


The Multi-Engine Conversion Unit (MECU) was established to take responsibility for all multi-engine aircraft training in the SA Air Force.


4 Squadron was relocated to Lanseria, where it continued operations until the final closure in the mid 1980’s.


11 Squadron was re-established at Air Force Base Potchefstoom and equipped with the Cessna C-185’s previously attached to 41 Squadron.


41 Squadron was relocated to Air Force Base Swartkop from Lanseria.

The Project (CARVER) Study Report as well as the Acquisition Study to commence a programme to procure an interim fighter was submitted for approval. This programme was aimed at delivering an interim fighter before the so-called ‘CAVA’ fighter would be introduced into SA Air Force service. This ‘interim’ Programme acquired the Cheetah series of fighters, which were eventually replaced not by ‘CAVA’ but the JAS-39 C/D Gripen Advanced Light Fighter Aircraft.


‘The Commencement of Change Year’. 1990 heralded the start of the Air Force’s rationalization Programme following the cessation of hostilities in South West Africa/Namibia and the subsequent withdrawal of SADF units deployed in South West Africa/Namibia. The Initial plans announced early in 1990 by the Chief of the Air Force were as follows:

- Aircraft Phase Out: Buccaneer, Mirage F1CZ, Canberra, Super Frelon, Wasp, Kudu and Albatross.

- Unit Closures: 3 Squadron, 4 Squadron, 5 Squadron, 10 Squadron, 12 Squadron, 16 Squadron, 24 Squadron, 25 Squadron, 27 Squadron, 30 Squadron, 31 Squadron, 42 Squadron, 107 Squadron and 114 Squadron.

- Base Closure: Air Force Base Port Elizabeth.


No 1 Squadron (Royal Air Force) staff members visited 1 Squadron (SA Air Force) at Air Force Base Hoedspruit to engage in exploratory discussions regarding a possible deployment of 1 Squadron (Royal Air Force) Harrier aircraft to Hoedspruit for cooperative training and exercises. Unfortunately the deployment never materialized.


All the Cessna C-185 aircraft moved from Air Force Base Swartkop to Air Force Base Waterkloof, and allocated to 44 Squadron as ‘Bravo-Flight’.

16 Squadron was re-activated at Air Force Base Bloemspruit, prior to receiving the first Rooivalk attack helicopters.
Last edited by Spice on Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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The Union of South Africa’s first Aircraft Depot was established at Roberts Heights under the command of Captain Welch.


40 Squadron was re-established at Air Force Base Bloemspruit as an operational unit and equipped with Harvard aircraft.


Lt Fisher and A/M de Villiers were fatally wounded when the Hawker Hartbees (807) they were flying crashed approximately 15nm from Yavello. The cause of the accident is not known.


A Lockheed Lodestar 18-08 (238) crashed in the Palmietfontein area. The cause of the accident is not known.


1 Squadron’s Citizen Force element, operating Harvard and Spitfire aircraft became the new nucleus of 4 Squadron.

24 Squadron’s active Citizen Force element, operating Harvards became a new operational unit, namely 8 Squadron, leading to the closure of 24 Squadron.

25 Squadron was established at Air Force Base Swartkop operating Ventura aircraft when 21 Squadron was re-numbered 25 Squadron.

27 Squadron equipped with Ventura aircraft was re-established at Air Force Base Ysterplaat.

40 Squadron was re-activated as an Active Citizen Force squadron at Air Force Base Bloemspruit, the unit received Harvard aircraft.


An F-51 Mustang (350), allocated to 2 Squadron, based in Korea crashed during an operational sortie.


The South African Air Force’s helicopter capability was improved with the establishment of No 22 Flight (became 22 Squadron some years later), after it had received its first batch of newly acquired Westland Wasp helicopters. The primary missions of the helicopters were to embark on the SA Navy frigates to conduct Anti-Submarine Warfare missions. The unit was only upgraded to a ‘Squadron’ once all the aircraft were on strength. The Wasp continued to serve till the late 1980’s. It took more than two decades to replace the capability in the SA Air Force with the Lynx helicopters in 2007.


Helicopter Conversion Unit (HCU) was re-named 87 Advanced Flying School.


11 Squadron was re-established at Air Force Base Potchefstoom, the fourth time since its original inception.


It is reported that the SA Air Force had destroyed a Russian supplied helicopter (presumably a Mi8/17 Hip) during an air-strike on enemy positions. It had also been reported that the SA Air Force lost a ground-attack aircraft during these operations, fatally wounding Major Eugene Kotze.


2 Squadron was re-established at Air Force Base Louis Trichardt, this time equipped with newly acquired Cheetah C multi-role fighters.

Other Aviation Related Actions that would have a bearing on current/future SAAF operations:

:!: One of the World’s oldest aviation companies was founded on 01 January 1910, namely “A.V. Roe & Co”. The South African Air Force would operate aircraft such as the Shackleton, manufactured by this company.
Last edited by Spice on Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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02 JANUARY ...


The Union’s Defence Headquarters purchased the Paterson Aviation Syndicate School, with the aircraft and its entire spares. Defence Headquarters, Pretoria, intimated that authority had been received to take over the reconstructed ‘Paterson Biplane No 36’, but it was not put to any use, and it eventually disappeared many years later, having last been seen in the Cape Town Drill Hall according to Kenny van der Spuy. The subsequent fate of the aircraft has since not been established :( .


A Miles Master (2703) crashed during final approach in the Uitkyk area.


Two Hurricanes were written-off due to separate accidents. The first – serial 5280 and second – serial 5288 were lost due to a Forced Landing and Heavy landing, respectively.
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SAAF: 03 January ...

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A Spitfire, MA-294, belonging to 7 Squadron was involved in a fatal accident when the pilot performed a Low-Level Roll. The accident occurred at Gamil.


Three Spitfires (RR-189 [2 Squadron]; MH-657 [7 Squadron] & PT-647 [7 Squadron]) were lost during operational missions, these aircraft were shot-down by hostile Anti-Aircraft Artillery fire, resulting in one fatality and one pilot being taken prisoner of War.


A North American F-51 Mustang (368), allocated to 2 Squadron, based in Korea crashed during an operational sortie.


Operation ASKARI reached its high point, amongst these was the Air Interdiction/ strike on the Angolan town of Cuvelai. The strike package consisted of ten Impala Mk II and four Canberra aircraft.


The combined formation of attack aircraft, delivered the following weapons on pre-planned targets: 60 x 120kg (Mk 81 bombs); 18 x 250kg (Mk 82 bombs); four x 450kg bombs and 600 Alpha bomblets, the latter two weapons system types were most likely to have been from the Canberra aircraft from 12 Squadron. During the egress from the target area Joe v/d Berg’s Impala was hit by a SA-9 (NATO Code Name: “GASKIN”) missile. He decided to attempt an emergency landing at Ongiva, in Angola; (recently re-surfaced by 400 AMU) instead of Air Force Base Ondangwa. He made a safe landing at Ongiva!


At approximately 05h45Z, a formation of Buccaneers (24 Squadron) departed from Air Force Base Grootfontein, South West Africa/Namibia armed with the SA Air Force’s long-range/glide ‘smart-bomb’ commonly referred to a “H-2” and “HANTO” ,for the first attempt of the day to destroy the Cuito Cuanavale Bridge was aborted.

The second attempt saw the aircraft take-off at 09h40Z and the FAPA (Angolan Air Force) launched a flight of MiG-23 Floggers to intercept (this never took place) and the Buccaneers successfully launched ‘H2’ and destroyed the Bridge at 10h31Z.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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I am enjoying this thread, please don't stop! :D
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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A mere 93 model.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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Keep it up Spice =D>
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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A Miles Master (2991) crashed after it struck a fence following a stall-turn in the Donkerhoek area. One fatality was reported.


An Avro Anson, serial 3225, crashed in the Grahamstown area after running-out of fuel during a mission, most likely from Port Elizabeth.

A Baltimore, serial FA633, allocated to 15 Squadron crashed whilst conducting air-to-ground attack training. All four crew members aboard the aircraft were fatally wounded.

The following Spitfires were lost due to hostile action and non-hostile incidents:

- MH-901, allocated to 1 Squadron, reportedly had an engine fire during start-up.
- RR-184, allocated to 4 Squadron was involved in a fatal accident – engine failure after a spin.
- PT-900, allocated to 7 Squadron was shot-down by hostile anti-aircraft artillery.
- MH-891, allocated to 7 Squadron was reported missing following a Close Air Support Mission and the pilot is believed to have been fatally wounded.


A Hurricane, serial 5277, was involved in a fatal accident in the Thabazimbi area.


A Spitfire, 5519, crashed during landing (presumed to be at Langebaanweg).


A Buccaneer S.Mk50, serial number 411 from 24 Squadron, was written-off during an accident in the Ermelo area. It was reported that the aircraft entered an un-controlled spin, causing the aircraft to crash approximately 8nm from Sheepmoor in the Ermelo area.


A Puma C (serial 122) was written-off during a ‘blue-on-blue’ (fratricide) anti-aircraft artillery firing incident. The crew, Capt CD de Wit, Capt F Immelman and Sgt Kellet together with two passengers were fatally wounded. One passenger survived the accident.


31 Squadron was re-established at Air Force Base Hoedspruit. The unit was equipped with Puma and Alouette III helicopters.




The last Cessna C-208 Caravan (serial ZS-MLR, c/n 208-164) was delivered to the SA Air Force.


:evil: It was reported that Heavy Lift (United Kingdom) had been awarded a contract to the value of R170,000,000 to market and dispose of the remaining eight C-160Z Transall aircraft, stored at Air Force Base Waterkloof. :x Wonder if anyone will ever get to account for such a large expence to sell these aircraft that were eventually 'chopped' never to return to the skies. Anyone know hat the aircraft originally cost?

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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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01 January 1999 - Updated Information

The three C-130F Hercules aircraft, received by the South African Air Force, were put up for sale.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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Fantastic stuff to read about! Keep it goeing....!
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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A Lockheed 18-08 Lodestar, serial 238 crashed in the Palmietfontein area. The construction number of the aircraft was 2037, and was also a former commercial aircraft, registered as ZS-ASW.


A De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth, serial 2208, crashed.
A Nomad Mk 1, serial 1265, crashed during a flight – hit telephone wires.


A Nomad Mk 1, whilst conducting a Target Towing Mission (Drogue), crashed due to entering a stall. There were two fatalities.
A Curtiss Kittyhawk, serial EV-136 crashed resulting in a single fatality.


A De Havilland DH.82, serial 2266 was written-off following a fatal accident, apparently caused by ‘pilot fell ill during flight’.

:!: Updated Information A T-6 Harvard, 7419 was involved in a fatal aircraft accident. The aircraft crashed at low-level following a stall, in the vicinity of Springbokspruit.

A Bristol Beaufighter (NV-151) crashed during an operational mission. One crew member was fatally wounded and one crew member was reported to have been captured by enemy forces and held as a Prisoner of War.


A SA-330L Puma, serial 168 was written-off during a military operation in Southern Angola; after being hit by Anti-Aircraft Artillery fire, all on board fatally wounded, the aircrew: Capt John Robinson, Lt Michael Earp and Sgt Kennie Dalgleish. Reports further indicate it may also been attributed to small arms fire, i.e. AK-47.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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A Nomad Mk 1 (serial 1267) crashed whilst conducting low-level flying, fatally wounding one soul on board.


An Avro Anson, 4243, was written-off, when it crashed into a gate during an attempted forced-landing in Hanover. It is presumed to have been due to fuel starvation, because the aircraft was reportedly ‘lost’.

A Spitfire, allocated to 3 Squadron was also written-off following an accident whilst on an operational mission.


An F-51 Mustang (353), allocated to 2 Squadron, based in Korea crashed during an operational sortie, the pilot Lt RW Parsonson was fatally wounded.


16 Squadron was relocated from Air Force Base Ysterplaat to Air Force Base Durban; the unit at that time was equipped with newly acquired Alouette III helicopters.


A SA316 Alouette III (58) was written-off near the Hendrik Verwoerd Dam.


The first Super Frelon (“Super Wasp”) helicopters allocated to 30 Squadron arrived at Air Force Base Ysterplaat.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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06 Jan - 30 Sqn Super Frelon

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Information Update

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01 January - info updated.
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Re: SAAF: January 1920 to Present

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A Lockheed 18-08 Lodestar, serial 238 crashed in the Palmietfontein area. The construction number of the aircraft was 2037, and was also a former commercial aircraft, registered as ZS-ASW.
Here's her full history

ZS-ASW Lockheed 18-08 (c/n 2037), part of a large order for SAA was registered in Jan 1941 and delivered directly to the SAAF from the factory. She became SAAF number 238. At the end of the war she was returned to SAA as ZS-ASW (named Sir Benjamin D’Urban” and was written off at Palmietfontein on 5/1/1948. She actually groundlooped on landing and went off the runway - there were no injuries to either crew or passengers.
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