ICASA Forum - read before posting

ICASA is the regulator for the South African communications, broadcasting and postal services sector. At this stage, this section is not officially sanctioned by ICASA management and is being monitored on a voluntary basis.

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ICASA Forum - read before posting

Unread post by Chris »

An employee of ICASA has agreed to use this forum as a means of communication with customers on an informal basis. Please post your question for ICASA here. Please note that this forum does not have the official sanction of ICASA and the answers given must be taken as such.

Please make sure questions are direct, specific, valid and of an operational nature. We would not like this forum to be sidetracked. Once questions have been answered they will be locked.

Please note that this is not a discussion forum but rather a place to get questions that users have answered.

This forum is strictly moderated and posts that are in bad taste and/or abusive will be edited or removed. If a topic takes on the nature of a discussion it will be transferred to the General section.
Chris Booysen
A ship is safe in a harbour, but that is not what it is built for.

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