Sling 4 Around the World

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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Peter L »

This from TAF website:

"Hi All On the 2nd of December The Airplane Factory will be hosting a slideshow presentation and Q&A on our recent circumnavigation of the globe in our prototype Sling 4. The fearless pilots, Jean, Mike and James will be making special appearances to talk you through the adventure. The show will start at 19h30 but please feel free to start arriving from 18h00 for snacks and soft drinks and a walk around the factory. Bring camp chairs and beers for a truly memorable evening at Tedderfield Airpark. Hope to see you all there!"
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by kelzonie »

Yup! I will definately make an appearance! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by DLR »

Dang I would love to be there but I have prior commitments that I need to attend to on that date :(
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Sling 4 Around the World Slideshow

Unread post by jpitman »

Sling 2 JM.jpg
World map with final route - small.jpg
On the 2nd of December The Airplane Factory will be hosting a slideshow presentation and Q&A on the recent circumnavigation of the globe in the prototype Sling 4. Jean, Mike and James will be presenting the slideshow and talking you through the adventure. The show will start at 19h30 but please feel free to start arriving from 18h00 for snacks, soft drinks and a walk around the factory.

Bring camp chairs and beers for a truly memorable evening at Tedderfield Airpark. Hope to see you all there!

Time 18h00 for 19h30

Place The Airplane Factory, Hangar 7, Tedderfield Airpark,
R550 (Nettleton) Road, Johannesburg South

Tel: 011 024 4304

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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Mags »

To all Sling supporters

James Pitman will be giving a talk and a slideshow presentation at the Charles Glass society in Cape town on the 8th March 2012. Contact him to find out more about the presentation and find out what what you need to do to attend.

James, Jean and Mike are willing to give a slide show and talk to any club, anywhere ... just give them a call and set it up.
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Superfueler »

Is there a book coming out?
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by 87Juliet »

Mags wrote:To all Sling supporters

James Pitman will be giving a talk and a slideshow presentation at the Charles Glass society in Cape town on the 8th March 2012. Contact him to find out more about the presentation and find out what what you need to do to attend.

James, Jean and Mike are willing to give a slide show and talk to any club, anywhere ... just give them a call and set it up.
The CHARLES GLASS SOCIETY? Now that sounds like a wonderful opportunity to sink a few cold ones... and talk airplanes at the same time... the man is a GENIUS!

Please let us have some more details, what time, where exactly, etc etc...
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by pieter001 »

Hi Mags,

Looking forward to hear more about the upcomming TAF road trip...
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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by deanvdm »

Enjoyed these videos about the trip, can't wait for the doccie:

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Re: Sling 4 Around the World

Unread post by Henry Adams »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Henry Adams
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